Courtesy of Grace Beal

Position(s): Senior Sports Photo Editor (2023), Managing Photo Editor (2022), Assistant Photo Editor (Fall 2021), Staff Photographer (Winter 2021), Daily Sports Writer

Section(s): Photo, Sports

Semesters at The Daily: 6

A lot of people fall in love with their college in their dorm, at a football game or maybe even at a frat party.

I fell in love with the University of Michigan in a motel in Austin, Texas.

On March 19, 2022, I was in Columbus, Ohio, on a Michigan Daily assignment covering the Big Ten gymnastics championship with one of my now best friends. Michigan won the title and, while I was photographing their trophy ceremony, the men’s basketball team upset Tennessee to qualify for the Sweet 16. 

Anna and I laughed when we realized the win meant I would be heading across the country to photograph the game. The next day, I went to the newsroom to meet with the five Sports writers I would be traveling with that week.

Much of my time at the University of Michigan B.T. (before Texas) had been spent on Zoom and in quarantine. Suddenly, I was sharing a cheap Texas motel room with five boys a year or two older than me, watching them create a “superbed” and laughing so hard my cheeks hurt. 

I barely remember the game itself, which may be for the best given the loss, but I have told every photographer we have hired since then about my time with Nick, Spencer, Jared, Josh and Jack in Texas … and our four visits to the Alamo. During those days in Texas, I finally understood the joy that the people who had come before me associated with their time at The Daily.

In the years A.T. (after Texas), I have again and again tried to put into words what The Daily and the people inside of 420 Maynard St. mean to me. I don’t think I will ever do it justice, but hopefully, some thank yous will be a start:

Joining Photo was the best thing to happen to me at Michigan … To the people who welcomed me onto staff as a lonely freshman and then trusted me to lead our section — Maddie and Allison, I am immensely grateful.

To the other two people who welcomed me into The Daily — Lane and Kent, you will never know how much an invitation to play snow kickball meant to me and how happy I am to have joined Sports … even if I may have ended up spending a bit more time with photostaff.

Nick, Jared, Josh, Spencer and Brandon: Michigan may have lost the Fiesta Bowl, but we won it and that week will go down as one of my favorites ever. Seriously, though, there is no better example of the friendships made possible by The Daily than the five of you. I wouldn’t trade the memories and friendships we have made for the world or even for a monster prize. I love you, bois!

Paige: Your hard work to bring the community back to the newsroom paid off in more ways than you will ever know. Thank you for your love and trust, and for always letting Tess and me tell a long-winded story. Evan, Caroline, Ethan, Dominic, Kristina, Julian, Shubs, Zoe, Grace, Eric, Dora and the rest of the 2022 ME class: This semester I kept expecting to walk into the newsroom and find Dominic standing on the Copy desk with Caroline (lovingly) glaring at him or Tess terrorizing Evan at our desks. Clearly, I miss you all quite a bit. Your friendships were truly one of the best parts of my ME year and something I will treasure forever. Story meetings will never match those of fall 2022. A piece of my heart and Dominic’s stomach remain in Farwell! 

Dominick, Becca, Miles, Gabby, José, Hannah, Emma, Sophia, Ali and Maria: Thank you for trusting two silly sophomores to be your bosses. We learned so much from each of you, as photographers and as friends.

Jeremy: I’m not sure what I am going to do next year when I don’t get to watch you edit in org studies classes. Thanks for teaching me Lightroom and showing me your film skills, but most of all, thanks for being my friend.

Julianne: Shooting our last big Daily assignment together was the perfect conclusion to the past few years. I am so glad we have gotten closer and to have lain in Big Ten confetti with you.

Lila: I am immensely proud of you. Tess and I may have forced you to be an assistant editor, but you made your home at The Daily by being the kind and hilarious person that you are. I have loved watching you grow and cannot wait to see everything you and Grace accomplish as MPEs. Thanks for hugging me while I cried trying to write this and for being one of my favorite people.

Selena: Remember me when you’re famous. I plan to brag about how talented you are forever.

Paul, Connor, Lindsay, Liza, Charlie, Lys, Taylor and all of Sports: There is no better feeling than walking into the newsroom and getting a big wave hello from the Sports desk. I am finally a Daily Sports writer but, truthfully, I got everything I ever needed and more from Sports by becoming friends with each of you. Sam, Ian, Aaron and Lucas: My sons! The track beat reminded me of how fun every random Daily moment is. Karaoke soon? Remi: Hanging out with you while we worked on our story was a highlight of my semester. I can’t wait to cook up something again soon. Noah: Tuesdays at 2:30 have become one of the best parts of my weeks. I will miss G&N time so much next year. There will be an air mattress ready for you no matter where I am.

Aaron and Katie: Bridging the Edit and Business gap should be added to our resumes … I adore you both! I can’t wait for retirement on East Kingsley Street!

Kathy: Thank you for always believing in me, photostaff and The Daily. I am grateful for your mentorship and kindness.

To my parents and Eliza: Mom, thanks for sending me the photostaff application freshman year. Thank you to all three of you for looking at every photo and article I have sent you. I love you!

To my friends and roommates: Thank you for always being excited for me every time I told you about a fun assignment and only shaking your heads a little when I had to miss a night out to photograph something!

I have put off writing the last few thank yous because I could write another 1,000 words for these people.

Kate: If anybody would have watched our awkward, masked camera bag handoff freshman year, they would be very surprised to see us now. You are the only person with whom I would photograph rowing in a storm, randomly go to North Campus and eat caffeine gum. I am so lucky to have you in my life! Thank goodness you moved onto my street so we can continue our shenanigans.

Anna: I will remember New York summer forever and am so glad I got to share it — even our little dorm — with you. Thanks for always having my back, making us vodka pasta, being down for a nap or a sweet treat, and getting my love for dogs. You are the best, Banana! I am very grateful for you and our friendship.

Tess: If this entire article hasn’t made it clear, The Daily has given me a lot, but nothing more important than becoming best friends with you. I remember sitting outside of the conference room, waiting to hear the results of our managing photo editor election, contemplating our term. Whatever we imagined the next year would be like was not even half as good as it ended up being. Serving as co-editor with you was perfect … from photographing the Fiesta Bowl to President Biden to Lollapalooza, everything is so much better with you by my side. You are the most driven person I know, and I am inspired every day by how incredible you are. Wherever we end up, I promise I will be cheering for you as hard as ever. You’ll always be my co.

I love the three of you so much. Photo Ladies forever and ever <3

Finally, to photostaff present and future: Each time one of you picks up a camera (even a D750), I am amazed by the talent you all have. I am even more amazed by how lucky I am to be surrounded by such passionate, loving and smart people. I love you all more than you will ever know. You will always have a fan in me. Treasure every single news event, game, meeting, social and everything in between. There is no better place than 420 Maynard St. and no better people than photostaff.

I am still trying to figure out what my life will be like without The Daily. As I finish writing this farewell, sitting next to my three best friends I made by spending so many days and nights in the newsrooms, I know The Daily will always be a part of me because of the people and memories it gave me.

I fell in love with college on a Daily assignment and continue to love it more every time I step into the newsroom. So, thank you, TMD, for making Michigan my home and for the friends that will last a lifetime.