Karis's nephew playing in a field.
Karis Rivers/TMD.
Deep inside my nephew's eyes

A light graces the earth

A joy and blessing within him 

A precious gem rare in quality

He is a newfound beauty 

I am grateful to experience 

and when he grabs my fingers

the thought crosses my mind, is this how it feels?

To know all that he offers he’ll never understand 

He is forever ignorant of all the love he holds

memories that I hold dear 

moments burned into my brain

will vanish from his without a thought

His name is one I could never forget 

and mine is one he will have to learn 

He will grow 

and find traces of my love scattered in his future

and never know it's there

Soft songs in the wind

will he ever hear my love is there?

So I write this for him 

and I hope he can learn to see

that he is the love, 

the beauty of life, 

and the promise for tomorrow  

Deep in his eyes 

I know he is the sunshine

On Nov. 24, 2022, I met my nephew for the first time. He was only one year old, still couldn’t talk and ran so fast he bounced off the walls. He is my first and only nephew, and I adore him. My nephew is a ball of sunshine with rays that peak through his eyes and offer us light in a normally bleak world. Offering light to his father, his mother, his aunts and uncles, and he doesn’t even know it. The extent to which we love him, he doesn’t even see. When I was born, was this how it felt? Did I not see it? How could I? Did my uncles see me and feel their hope was restored? Was every moment spent together engraved in the fabric of their being? Could they never foresee a life where I don’t exist? Did they wonder who I would become when we next met? Did they hope I would learn to love them as fondly as they remember me? Because I do, and I suppose I always will.

MiC Columnist Karis Rivers can be reached at kvrivers@umich.edu.