A broken record sputters and repeats, much like the opening of Little Scream’s “Love As a Weapon” music video. Zooming out of an ornate frame, the shot reveals singer Laurel Sprengelmeyer lounging in a wooden chair, surrounded by wood-paneled walls. The scene changes only slightly with each repetition, not unlike a game of spot the difference. The rest of the video follows in an equally quizzical fashion: metallic hands dancing in American Sign Language, tube lighting illuminating a man voguing and Sprengelmeyer dancing in a brightly lit entryway wearing a sequined windbreaker as he sings, “Remember your greatest gift is to dance.”

The majority of the video is surreal, making it impossible for viewers to place the house in which the actions take place at a certain point in time or space — decades and genres are spanned. There doesn’t seem to be any connecting force between the barrage of scenes, colors and movements other than their randomness. It’s not until the shot again moves to the picture frame that opened the video that the pieces begin to fall into place. Continuing out through the frame hanging upon the wall, Sprengelmeyer is shown walking down a snowy lane alone, repeating “gonna work it out, gonna work it out.” As this sentiment echoes, we see Sprengelmeyer strutting through the snow, puzzling the same conundrum as the audience — how to make sense of the home within her head.

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