Anna Fuder/Daily. Buy this photo.

Position(s): Senior Sports Editor (2024), Assistant Sports Editor (2022-2023),

Section(s): Sports

Semesters at The Daily: 5

Explaining my time at The Michigan Daily in 1,000 words is nearly impossible. 420 Maynard St. and the people in it have taught me so much about friendship, life and the world — lessons that I can’t sum up here. But I’ll try anyway.

Someone once told me this place will change your life if you let it, and I almost didn’t let it. When I walked into The Daily my first semester sophomore year, I had zero conception of what this place would come to mean to me. I came in with a clear goal: write five stories to become a Daily Sports writer. While I may have done those things and more, the most valuable thing I got out of The Daily was friends. I know it sounds sappy and lame but I mean it. When I reflect on my time at the Sports section I don’t remember articles I wrote or edited. I remember laughing in the newsroom, State News practices on Fridays, nights at Skeeps, parties and meetings.

I never did a beat. But it never changed how I was incorporated into the Sports section. No matter who you were or what your role was at The Daily, you could always find a place at the Sports desk. Three stories or 48, it didn’t matter. And that’s what is so special about Sports. The only requirement is liking sports.

I remember last year during one of our final meetings of the fall semester all the seniors went around the room telling their stories at The Daily and what this place meant to them. I reflected on the first time I was in that nostalgic type of meeting sophomore year. I didn’t feel the same kind of sadness about leaving this place. The Daily transformed into a place with so much meaning to me and I didn’t even know it. So, as Abbie Telgenhof, Lily Israel, Josh Taubman, Nick Stoll, Jared Greenspan, Spencer Raines and everyone else told their stories, I couldn’t help but think about what I would say, what I would remember and who I would thank when my time came. And now that I’m a washed senior, my time is here:

Lane and Kent, thank you for bringing this place back to what it used to be for my generation to see. And for telling me my writing was great to help me stay, even though it probably wasn’t.

Jared and Nick, I can’t thank you enough for believing in me and for pushing me to be an editor and to trust my instincts. My experience here is in no small part because you wouldn’t give up on me. You created the culture of this place and you both should be so proud that it is still embodied in all of us after you.

Charlie, thank you for letting me shadow you and teaching me about soccer even though I already knew more about the sport than you.

Abbie and Lily, thank you for letting us not just know but believe that girls can like sports too. It’s cool!

Lindsay, thank you for being my right hand in this place. There is no one else I would want to drink out of a mule mug or write the Blitz with. The reason my experience has been so incredible is in large part because of you and the friendship we’ve had.

Lila Turner, there is no one I would rather be my neighbor. We’ve become such close friends since our first meeting at karaoke and I can’t wait to see what you do at this place. I know it will be amazing. Trust your gut and have fun with it.

Liza, I know you’ll miss my d-line pressure. You’re part of the reason I stayed and had so much fun doing it. Make good use of your time here. There is so much in store for you.

Noah, oh my husband. I’m so glad we became close. I never thought I would leave The Daily with not only such a close friend but a husband, too.

Lys, thank you for years of great memories. For Joe! Thank you for making this place a place I would want to come to even if I wasn’t writing or editing. Keep grinding out incredible SportsMondays. I’ll be collecting every single one.

John, you’ve brought so many smiles and laughs to the newsroom, and me, with your incredible sense of humor. It wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m forever grateful we got to trauma bond over New York sports and history courses together. 

Grace, thank you for making our culinary certificate so amazing. Working with you tirelessly to create such an amazing article was so rewarding. We really cooked.

Paul and Connor, thank you for making me feel so welcomed when I came back from abroad. The crowd that has amassed at the Sports desk every night is incredible. Enjoy retirement. 

Shannon and Kate, nothing we do is possible without you two. Thank you for the countless hours and hard work you’ve put into this place. It is truly amazing what you’ve done here.

The future MSEs, Rheka and Noah, I can’t wait to see what you guys do with this place. I know you’re both going to make all of us oldheads so proud. 

The Photo ladies, thank you for years of jokes, fun times and friendship in the newsroom, and for letting me eat all of your snacks. 

KG, Konstance and Hannah, thank you for supporting all my late nights at The Daily, listening to all the drama and always being so eager to read my pieces. Your support and love meant the world to me.

Lucy, Lila, Russell and Marina, thank you for pushing me sophomore year to make the most out of The Daily and not let it flutter away. 

All the Sports seniors and juniors, what a group we’ve got. I’m proud of each and every one of you for what you’ve done here, small or big. Thank you for your unconditional friendship and the unforgettable memories you’ve left me with. To the seniors, what a ride. To the juniors, make us proud.

The underclassman, like the wise people before me have said, this place is what you make it. Let it change you. Come in on a random Tuesday to hang out. I promise you won’t regret it.

And to everyone else at The Daily, thank you.

Without further ado, good night TMD Sports.