Kate Hua/Daily. Buy this photo.

Position(s): Managing Sports Editor (2023), Football Beat (2023), Men’s Basketball Beat (2022-2023), Ice Hockey Beat (2021-2022), Softball Beat (2021)

Section(s): Sports

Semesters at The Daily: 7 

In my job as Managing Sports Editor, one of the things I get to do often is text people in group chats. There’s group chats for each game being covered on the weekends, group chats for each beat, group chats for the editors. Whenever we aren’t in the newsroom, we are coordinating stuff there on those group chats. And more often than not, as many of you all can attest, I end the text writing something like “lol.” Because the text reads too serious if I don’t write anything there, lol. 

Many of you may think that when I write lol it means laugh out loud. It does. But when I’m writing it, it also means something else. 

Lots of love. 

Facebook users everywhere, rejoice. Lol does mean lots of love too. And as I write this senior goodbye, all I can think about is lots of love. Love for each and every person I’ve ever worked alongside at The Daily, love for the amazing experiences I’ve gotten to have here, love for the people and memories I’ll cherish forever. 

To the hundreds of people who’ve made this place so special for me, lol. 

To Theo and Ethan, the section’s MSEs when I first joined as a freshman on Zoom during a pandemic, thank you for letting me put my foot in the door and get started here. I would have never imagined eventually being in your shoes, but here I am, and it all started with you guys, lol. 

To Lane and Kent, thank you for encouraging me to get more involved. Thank you for believing in me, thank you for laying the groundwork for how big a place this would eventually become for me. Thank you for showing me how fun The Daily could be when we started to go in-person. Lane, thank you for hyping up my initial Hallelujah performance at karaoke — as of last week, I’ve now done it at five TMD karaoke events and this time I even crowd surfed, lol. 

To Nick and Jared, thank you for showing Connor and I the ropes and building us up to the leaders we’ve become. Thank you for believing in us every step of the way, and thank you for building up the section so well during your time and making it a place that I’ve wanted to spend like every day in when I took your job last December, lol guys. And to so many amazing — now washed — people that have made the daily so great and helped me stick around during my early days: Brendan Roose, Daniel Dash, Jack Kingsley (who was first round editor of my first article ever), Abby Snieder, Lily Friedman, Aiden Woutas, Jacob Cohen, Grayson Buning, Alex Walkon and so many more, I’m about to be washed with you, lol. 

And to the more recently washed folks, lol. Abbie Telgenhof and Jack Glanville, moops was a blast with you guys; I will remember hooping on the Nets court forever, lol. Jack ConHIM, shoutout you; Lily Israel, shoutout you; Steel and Mathew, yooo; Josh, Brandon and Spencer, shoutout cross street and Spencer my day one beat mate with softball; and Nick Moen and Sam Bernardi, hockey beatmates and rental car experts forever, lol. 

This past year as MSE has been more than I can ever have imagined, and the amount of people I have to thank for it far exceeds any word limit out there. Spending so much time with this group has been nothing short of amazing, and I’ll promise I’ll edit faster starting this week, lol. 

To my fellow seniors, lol for real. Lindsay moops beatmate for life, Megan NJ STAND UP, Remi who didn’t get ejected from the WCBN game, Aaron Goldsmith of The Land, Joey from my OG road trip, Noa the legend — we’re old now, lol. 

And to John (also fellow senior, hotel expert) and Charlie, you’re absolute legends and criss-crossing State Street to Shem and the country for the football beat’s toughest travel schedule in history has been nothing short of amazing with you guys. Let’s enjoy a well-earned break from writing on our next scheduled day off: Dec. 24, lol.  

To all the underclassmen, time flies, and if Copy gave me more room I’d give a personalized note to each of you (I’m going to keep shading Copy, Dana and Abbie, lol). But Taylor, Ian, General Josh, Lucy, Zach E, Liza, Tasmia, Cole, Ellie, Mirielle, Zain, Anna, Jon, Connor H, Mallory, Eli, Sam G, Will, Hank, Jack Day, Sam N, Kendall McCaskill, Jack T, Lys, Garrett, Alina, Kenzie, Lauren, Claudia, Caroline, Miguel, Andy, Bea, Libby, Claire, Vihaan, Jordan, Ella, Madison, Morgan, Peter, Luca, Lucas, Graham, Julius, Sean, Niya, Grace, Sydney, Kayla (the door code reader is fixed by the way!), Mia, Suraj, Annabelle, Bailey, Madeline, Jack Buffett, Nate, Zach G, Ethan, Logan, lol lol lol. And if I missed anyone there, trust me it wasn’t on purpose, for real love you all and wanted to shout you all out because you all deserve it and long paragraphs are chill even if I told you otherwise in edits, lol. 

I want to give special recognition to anyone who joined the section during Connor and I’s tenure this past year. Anyone who wrote a mock that we read and ended up sticking around: Claire, Bea, Morgan, Jordan, Kayla, Graham, Sydney, Grace, Niya, Bailey, Ella, Julius, Vihaan, Madison, Annabelle, Nate and the list literally goes on and on — I’m talking about YOU. The Daily is a special place, and I’m excited to see how you all will grow in it, and glad to have been part of your start, lol. Oh and Grace Beal I’m honored you officially became a DSW in my tenure, another road trip day one, lol. 

To Noah and Rekha, I’m so proud of you and so excited that you’re going to lead this section into the future. You’re amazing people and are going to do great things. Don’t let this crazy job make you crazy, lol. 

Kate, Shannon, Zoe and Julia. I was inspired by your leadership all year and learned so much from you each day. Your support over this past year means so much to me, and yes I did steal the sugar cookies under the EiC desk, lol. 

To my fellow Managing Editors, working with y’all has been such a pleasure, y’all are amazing. Anna and Kate, Christian (let’s break down some hoops film text me when you read this) and Martina, Abby and Sophie, Roni and Vanessa, Deven and Angela (and shoutout Eric u legend), the list goes on and on. Honored to work with you all and will cherish this forever, lol. 

To my family, I love you more than you can ever know. My mom and my brothers have at the very least read every headline I’ve written, but my twin brother Peter has read every word of every story I’ve ever published here. It’s about time you read your name here Peter, lol. 

And to Connor Earegood, Big Tex, the best co-MSE I could have ever asked for. I’m past the word limit now but damn it they won’t be able to cut his graph about you, lol. Could not have done this without you, you were my rock all year, and hands down the best student journalist in the country too. Thank you for everything tex, lol. 

If I missed anyone, lol. No I’m not laughing if I missed you, really limited on space and so many amazing people low key, but lol to you, so much love. Lots of love. 

The Daily has given me more than I could have ever imagined. As I move on, so much crosses my mind. I can’t help but reflect about it all and just think: 
