Quote card by Opinion.

Position(s): Arts Writer (2021-2023), Arts Beat Editor (2022), Opinion Columnist, Michigan in Color Columnist

Section(s): Arts, Michigan in Color, Opinion

Semesters at The Daily: 6

This is one long thank you. I never considered myself much of a writer; I came into the University of Michigan as an engineering major, convinced that if I opened my mouth, I would only make a fool of myself (I have, but it was worth it). The Michigan Daily is the first place where I ever considered the idea that I had a voice, and that it could matter. I am an entirely different person because of it. If this meant less to me, I would have more to say about it.

Opinion: Thank you to Joel and Liz, especially, for taking a chance on me. Liz, your kindness at a vulnerable time meant the world. Thank you to Andrew, my Opinion editor: You taught me how to write. And mostly, thank you to anyone who ever read my Opinion pieces. There are people who have come up to me and told me that they cried after my pieces and told me their own stories, there are people who have emailed me telling me that my article changed their mind to continue living, there are people who decided I was wrong and begged me to stop talking: I love you all. I think about you all the time; I don’t know how to ever process what you’ve given to me. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me and give me your thoughts. Your words are everything to me. My Opinion pieces are from a different period of my life: I’m so deeply embarrassed by so many of them, but also proud that my training wheel attempts — scrapes and all — exist. Freshman me was frustrating and anxious and silly, and I want to give her a hug. 

Arts: I love you so much it hurts. I remember being a freshman joining a Zoom call with a chat moving miles a minute about the latest movie release and people who went out of their way to make me feel at home. It was the first time I had seen a gathering of people who wanted to talk about movies as badly as I did. Thank you for the home you gave me as an underclassman. 

Little hearts: Elise and Zoe, you created a wonderful space that meant more than words can explain to so many. Thank you. Elise, I am still inspired by your leadership and your heart. Lizzie, my Lizzie. Who would I be if I wasn’t trying to be you? Your mind is exacting, your words are brave; your heart is beautiful. Mik, you are wonderful, and I am so lucky that I got to know you, no matter how briefly. Thank you for teaching me how to write. Emilia, I am so lucky that we got to tag team … I can’t wait to read your books one day. Lillian H. Pearce, the world is better because you are in it. Your heart makes the world 10 sizes bigger. How lucky am I to call you a friend!?! Sabriya is the blueprint and there should be books written about her. Erin, Laine and Sarah, I love you guys. I can just text you about that! Ava and Ava, your love and care and wit have already changed Books for the better. Graciela and Camille, you guys are definitely going to take over the world one day. Thank you. And thank you to everyone else in Books and all of Arts. I am so lucky to be a part of your section. I am so lucky that I got to be in a space with some of the funniest, most fearless, intelligent people I know. The arts matter, arts criticism matters, media literacy matters and the Arts section of The Daily matters. No explanation necessary.

Also, MiC: Thank you to everyone in MiC. Collaborating has been one of the highlights of my college experience. Andy, Yoon, Yash — invisible string? 

Last, thank you, also, to Jeff Kinney: You’re a rockstar to me. Thank you, Sanjena Sathian; thank you, Jyotsna Sreenivasan; and, oh my goodness, thank you to the author of my favorite book, Robin Sloan. Thank you to the group chat r/hungergames. Thank you to everyone who’s ever written to me about my reviews: I feel like you see me. Thank you to my brother for urging me to join a student org, and not-so-subtly suggesting The Daily. Thank you to Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, who inspired me to write for The Daily. And thank you to The Daily for taking so many chances on me. Thank you to The Daily for being the ever-expanding vortex that it is and giving Ann Arbor so much. Sometimes, it’s easy to lose sight of what we do. It’s so easy to dismiss what we do — I don’t have to tell you why. But every time that I overlook the power of words and sharing our minds on campus, I am slapped in the face with the impact that we have here. Thank you to The Daily for teaching me that words matter — use ‘em responsibly!