Position(s): Staff Photographer, Assistant Photo Editor, 2022 Summer Managing Photo Editor, Senior Audience Photo Editor, Senior Multimedia Photo Editor

Section(s): Photo

Semesters at The Daily: 5

The Michigan Daily became a huge part of my life, unexpectedly. What started as a hobby and an interest grew into a deep passion and a dream.

Never would I have thought that I would be photographing the president while vacationing in Korea. I was in media pits inches from artists at several concerts. I sat on the sidelines of the Big House field multiple times photographing some of the biggest games in college football. I nearly wiped out on the ice getting celebration shots at the Big Ten hockey championships. I have walked nearly all of downtown Ann Arbor and campus for stock photos. I held my camera over the side of my apartment building for breaking news on the Maynard Street fire. I squeezed my camera into a mock MRI scanner for a photo essay. I published a photo essay. This isn’t even all of it. The Daily has given me so many unbelievable, unthinkable experiences that I will never forget.

The Daily introduced me to a group of incredibly talented, supportive and passionate individuals. The dedication by Daily staffers across all sections has been truly motivating. The bustle of production, the mile-long Sports crops spreadsheet, the packed gray road trip van, the late nights and weekly Photo meetings — I’ll miss it all. 

To Allison and Maddie: Thank you for hiring me. Looking at the portfolio I submitted in my application now, the growth is dramatic. I’m grateful to have been introduced to The Daily and welcomed by both of y’all.

To Grace B, Tess, Kate, Anna and Jeremy: I joined late, and I feel like I’ve just finally caught up with y’all. I learned so much from all of you, and y’all have been huge photo inspirations for me. Grace, thank you for “ripping my work apart” and for answering all my silly questions. Tess, thank you for being the biggest photojournalism inspiration and for sharing the Photo desk with me when I was an assistant photo editor. Kate and Anna, thank you for always supporting me and believing in me. I can still vividly remember the FaceTime call when you asked me to be the multimedia senior photo editor. Thank you for this opportunity. Jeremy, thank you for always being so welcoming and sharing your photo wisdom. Y’all are going to be phenomenal in whatever you do and wherever you go, and I’ll always be cheering y’all on.

To Sarah Boeke: I don’t know what I would’ve done last summer if you hadn’t asked me to be a summer managing photo editor with you. Being at The Daily was just what I needed. I’ll always remember that summer sharing the newsroom with you, Connor, Lindsay, Vanessa, Tess and the rest of summer staff. Thank you for always giving me that push.

To Emma: Ultimate multimedia queen. Role model. Savior during the Rutgers fever dream. Thank you for making everything such a joy and for all the advice and support you’ve given me.

To Lila and Grace L: I know y’all will be absolutely incredible, but I can’t wait to see how photostaff grows with y’all. Also, I am always available for freelance.

To Jenna, Emily, Riley, Lucas and the rest of photostaff: It’s been so fun hanging out with y’all in the newsroom. Thank you for reading my TWAP blurbs and putting up with my photo essay rants. It’s been an honor being able to work with you on your projects. I’ve loved just talking, brainstorming ideas and editing with y’all. All of you are so creative and genius, and on behalf of the readers, thank you for sharing that with us.

Finally, thank you, Daily, for the friendships and opportunities. I’ll forever be grateful.