Alum Dominick Sokotoff/Daily. Buy this photo.

Position(s): 2022 & 2023 Audience Engagement Senior Editor (@theblockm), 2022 Softball Beat, Daily Sports Writer

Section(s): Sports & Audience Engagement

Semesters at The Daily: 6

For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to spend my four undergraduate years at the University of Michigan. For nearly as long, the first day of that dream included getting involved in The Michigan Daily.

It was set in stone: Upon finishing move-in to the dorm, I’d walk straight over to the Student Publications Building and build the foundation of my extracurricular life on campus — one of the most prestigious student publications in the world.

Was that how it went down? Basically … yeah. It can often be too surreal to process.

That said, anyone who has dedicated time within its walls will tell you the truth: that clinical description utterly fails to capture what ultimately makes The Daily so special.

Even setting the displacement of COVID-1 and my winter-semester start aside, the magic of 420 Maynard St. works its biggest wonders in the ways it subverts and surmounts any expectations.

So, I could reminisce writing about the Michigan hockey team’s record-shattering 2021 NHL Draft class, or covering softball coach and women’s sports trailblazer Carol Hutchins’ final season. I could reminisce about building The Daily’s Sports social media presence for nearly three years, during which the Wolverines had the most decorated period of their athletic history.

But those nights when we goofed around in the newsroom until the early hours of the morning, and I wasn’t even here to work on any of that? That’s where the magic is.

Continuing one of touch football’s greatest dynasties and making lifelong memories and friends along the way? That’s where the magic is.

Throwing parties in honor of fellow staffers — not because it’s their birthday or something, but they’re worth celebrating just because? That is where the magic is.

To Ethan, Theo, Rian, Abby, Teddy, Aria, Drew, Lily, Grayson, Jacob Cohen, Daniel, Brendan, Spencer, Abbie, Lily, Jack and the rest of the oldies: Thanks for being the first ones to so graciously share that magic with me. The challenge of doing so in the reality our global situation gave us was never lost on me, and your success in overcoming that will never be forgotten.

To my MSEs: Kent and Lane, thank you for embracing and channeling my youthful enthusiasm in a way only the two of you could. Jared and Nick, in my mind you two and The Daily will always be synonymous.

To John, Aaron, Remi, Noa, Grace, Megan and my fellow seniors: All of you did it, and so much more. I could not conceive of a better group to become “washed” with. 

To Taylor, Lys, Liza, Zain, Ian, Zach, Jon, Josh, Rekha, Tasmia, Ellie, Mallory, Will, Jack, Ethan, Lucy, Anna, Eli, Mirielle, Kendall and all of the youngsters: Many of you may know me mostly as the guy who posts your stories, and that’s because I am the biggest fan of all of you. Keep being awesome and making an effort to celebrate each other’s awesomeness, and know I still will.

To the 2022 Softball beat: Charlie and Noah, thanks for being so foundational to my Daily experience. Considering that you two are going on as SE and MSE, respectively (not to mention your tremendous hockey, moops and football coverage), both of you should appreciate how meaningful it is to be that. Josh, there’s no way my sophomore year is the same without you. Thanks for letting me get to know you and spend time with you both then and since. Shoutout to Anna and Kate who joined us for the legendary Northwestern University road trip, and the rest of my dear Photo friends (my first of whom, Grace Beal, is now a Daily Sports writer too)!

I met Big Tex (his mom calls him Connor Earegood) within minutes of my virtual Daily experience, and Paul Nasr within minutes of my first in-person adventure. I can’t tell you how much it means to have watched you two dorks grow into the forward-pushing leaders you are. Can’t wait to join you two in this well-deserved retirement. 

Gradually transitioning into the Audience side of things: To Josh and Max, Lindsay — it was a blast handling two chaotic summers of @theblockm content with you as summer MSEs. I knew someday I’d look back on all those urgent texts, and they would all seem funny. Today is that day.

To my Audience Engagement MEs: Evan and Zoe, I’ve weathered jokes about my last name since I came out of the womb — yet I’ve never been more appreciative of being called “The Goodest of Sirs” than when you did it. Thanks for so often keeping me in the newsroom (and laughing while here). Martina and Christian, thanks for making a small backbone section a thriving centerpiece of the newsroom.

Kate, your work as co-EiC makes this place what it is more than most people will ever know. I hope this reminder of that helps you understand that while that’s true, more people do realize it than you’ll ever know. Shannon, I was once flattered by a younger Sports writer who told me that I was a central part of the Michigan experience. Thanks for being that to me and many others.

Last but never least, my partner in crime, Cole Martin! You know better than everyone how all-over-the-place I can (and probably like to) be. Thanks for so flawlessly tolerating that and holding the biggest share of making this kid’s lifelong dream possible.

One of the many reasons I struggled so heavily to write this despite so badly wanting to do it well is my fear of forgetting someone in that long list of names. Just know, mentioned or not, if you were ever any part of making that magic you’ll forever be important to me.

That is what makes this the best goddamn newspaper in the world, so here’s to it living on now and forever.