Courtesy of Jamie Murray

Position(s): Opinion Columnist (2023)

Section(s): Opinion

Semesters at The Daily: 3

Hello and goodbye. T’was a merry ride here at The Michigan Daily. I wasn’t here long, but it’s funny how great things can go by so fast and also feel like you’ve been experiencing them for a lifetime. 

I joined The Daily partly out of coercion. Shoutout to Quin Zapoli for harassing me while we worked the East Quad Blue Cafe for a year and a half before I finally caved. And I’m glad I did. There were plenty of people that contributed to me joining; I saw so much love in the people that were already a part of The Daily. I saw the love that Anna Fifelski, one of my best friends and old roomies, held for The Daily and admired the work and dedication she put into the News section. I saw George Weykamp writing articles in the middle of class, caring more for the craft than the U.S. history lecture we were supposed to be listening to. I saw the quirky conversations and jokes of Julian Barnard, also known as my roommates’ old South Quad RA. I saw the kindness in Vanessa Kiefer, even in the MDining uniform, and the adventurous nature of Roni Kane while in the great cities of London and Paris. I saw all this before I even joined, so how could I not choose to be a part of something so great?

“Writer” —  the term people would refer to me as, shortly after starting on the Opinion section. I’m not exactly sure why the label shocked me; I felt undeserving of such an esteemed title. A writer? Me? Yeah, sure. But then I fell into it, and I let my writing speak for me. It’s an art and a craft I’m not sure I’ll ever quite master, but I know that The Daily helped me get a little bit closer to feeling like I deserve such a title. So, thank you.

To Quin. Everyone used to tell us how we were the same person, if only you talked a little more and I talked a little less. We see each other, and through our bickering and bantering, the love-hate we share is something I would never ever want to give up. Make sure we’re still friends after this or it’ll mean you hate me and therefore women. Thank you.

To Julian. I’m sure you’re a good RA, at least that’s what my roommates say. You’re also a good friend, and I’m glad that I’ve actually gotten to know you this semester. I’ll miss all of your “slays” in conversations when you don’t know what to say. It’s very slay of you. Thank you.

To Mackenzie. It’s so silly to me how many times I forget how young you are. How you have so much time until you have to write one of these. Even though we’ve gotten close more recently, for a while you were the girl in the section I knew would back up what I had to say at Editboard. We’ve always had each other’s back, and that doesn’t end now. I’ll always support you and I can’t wait to see the writer you become. Thank you.

To Brina. What chaos has ensued. Thank you for supporting my rights … and my wrongs. May we always be messy and have one hell of a good time, supporting each other every step of the way. I think one of my biggest regrets is not knowing you and Mackenzie sooner. But I’m glad we’ve got any time at all. Thank you.

To Lindsey. I love you and you’re gonna thrive so much. If you have no fans on this earth, then I am dead. 

To Sam. Get it girl; being the girlboss of The Daily never looked so good.