Courtesy of George Weykamp

Position(s): 2022 Administration Editor

Section(s): News 

Semesters at The Daily: 7 

I’m not quite sure what to say here. 

It would be an understatement to say this place has changed my life. I walked in as a scared freshman debating which branch of STEM would make me the least miserable and I walked out a journalist. Within these walls, I’ve met some of my best friends and found myself in ways I never thought possible. 

I’m not going to lie and pretend this place is perfect. With every happy memory, there’s a time where I skipped class to cover a story or cried in the Student Publications parking lot (best place to cry on campus). But even with the stress, the anger, the disappointment — this place taught me to grow in ways I never felt possible. 420 Maynard didn’t just make me a reporter — it made me a better person, and for the first time in life, it made me feel like I truly belonged somewhere. And even though in so many ways I’ve already said goodbye, it still hurts like hell to leave. 

To those who shaped me: 

Roni: In a way, you taught me to be a reporter, which is absurd because we started at the same time. Watching you lead the section we both loved this past year was seeing you as the leader I always knew you were meant to be. You’re going to do amazing things, and I want you to know that I’ll always be here, cheering you on from the sidelines. Stay quirky, it’s a compliment. 

Riley: Kiddo. You’ve done this job in a way that I am frankly in awe of. You blew me out of the water, and I want you to know that you are more talented than you will ever begin to realize. I don’t think you’ll ever quite understand just how proud I am of you. I can’t wait to see everything you do as MNE. 

Julian: If there was any constant in my college experience — it’s you. From gossiping in the South Quad laundry room, to editing campaign posters, to frolicking around D.C — you’ve always been there. I’ll never be able to thank you enough (even though I did save your life that one time).  

Zoe: I owe this place to you. It feels like just yesterday we sat on your floor in South Quad, drinking those horrible smoothies, and you convinced me to join The Daily. You’ve grown so much since then, and I’m honored to have been able to watch. I really hope The Daily looks good on our law school applications (haha). Keep in touch, rooting for you always. 

Paige: You were the leader we needed when we needed it the most, but more importantly, you were the friend I needed — when I needed it the most. I learned some of the most valuable lessons in college from you, and I cannot wait to see where life takes you.

Kristina: How you managed to wrestle MNE, pre-med and all of us SNEds is beyond me. I’ll always admire your maturity and kindness. I can’t wait to one day call you a doctor! 

Dominic: You pushed me this past year in ways I needed to be pushed and stood by me even when I knew it wasn’t easy. I’ve always looked up to you, and despite the fact that I’m somehow two months older than you, you’re my biggest role model.

Haley: Breaking into the newsroom at 2 a.m with Dominic last fall. Driving to the ER to get a rabies vaccine. Being whimsical in the LSA Opportunity Hub. I’ve never laughed more than I’m with you, and you’re the common denominator in all of my favorite stories. You’re the best roommate I’ve ever had and my favorite washed-up managing editor!  

Irena: My beat reporter, my SNEd and my roommate all wrapped up into one. You make me laugh, but more importantly you make me think. You are wise beyond your years and I know, no matter what we do and how old we get, you will always be there ready to mock my taste in music or something else that I’m doing wrong. I am so incredibly proud of you. 

Anna: Watching your meteoric rise from my beat reporter to SNEd was the highlight of my Daily career. The stories we wrote together will always be my favorite because I got to do them with you. We were always a team, and you’ll always be my favorite teammate.

Amer (like Summer): How you manage math, like seven journals and the Daily and still manage to have a smile on your face is beyond me! You’re one of the best people I know and you never fail to make me smile, even when things are going wrong. I know you’ll do things I can’t even fathom and I’m so excited to see it come to light. Once again sorry about elections, but I maintain it was (mostly) Dominic’s fault. 

Miles: I’ve said this before today, but I really see so much of myself in you. You’re one of the kindest, most dedicated young journalists I have known and I cannot wait to watch your career unfold. You’ve got this man!   

Sam: I should’ve known from the day I assigned you a regents article as a newsbie that you were going to be EiC. You always brought me down to earth when I needed it the most. You are strong, confident, dedicated — but above all, a good friend. I’ll wish you good luck, but I know you won’t need it. 

Martha, Justin and Emily: You all taught me to take life less seriously and go along for the ride. Thank you for taking in a shy kid from the midwest and teaching him how to have a good time! 

Ari, Zach, Haley (again), Macy, Micah and everyone else who got me through 2022: You put me back together when I had fallen apart and taught me college could exist outside of this place. Love you all, thank you for loving me.  

Shannon: Thank you for St. Patrick’s Day. I’ll never forget the kindness you showed me. (p.s: my linkedin is hidden somewhere. Find it — for old time sake) 

Bobby: There are so many words I could possibly write here, but for once I’ll keep it simple. I’d say you’re my best friend, but that wouldn’t cut it. You’ve always been a brother to me.  Thank you for everything, it’ll never be enough. 

Phil: Everything I’ve accomplished is because you took a chance on me. I hope one day I’m in a position to do the same for someone. 

To everyone who trusted me with their stories: Thank you. I’m a better reporter, but more importantly a better person, because of you. I’ll never forget it. 

And to so many more! 

That’s all, 

George James, James George Weykamp