Courtesy of Ava Seaman

Position(s): Books Beat Editor (2023), Daily Arts Writer

Section(s): Arts

Semesters at The Daily: 6

Saying goodbye to The Michigan Daily is really hard (so eloquent, I know) because I have so many fond memories of my time on Arts, and I know that it has shaped my college experience. The newsroom has become a safe space and one of my favorite places on campus, not only for weekly meetings and production nights but for when I need a quiet place to study. 

Really, it has been the little things that have made writing for Arts so special: seeing my work be published for the first time, seeing one of my articles in print or on the “Most Read,” running in two marathons, so many picnics in the Arboretum and movies at the State Theatre, wearing “Magic Mike” trucker hats in public and so much more. I’ve met people who love and appreciate Taylor Swift as much as me. I’ve interviewed New York Times bestselling authors. I’ve received so many free books. 

I’m forever indebted to Arts for inspiring my future career, for giving me room to express my niche and not-so-niche interests and for introducing me to so many brilliant and amazing people. 

Lilly and Andrew, thank you for hiring me and making me feel welcome on Arts. To all my other past editors — Sabriya, Emilia, Meera, Julian, Sarah, Laine and Erin — thank you for pushing me to be a better writer and encouraging me to become an editor, too. 

Lilly, Hannah and Sabriya, I look forward to our “Book Lovers” discussions, and your presence on Arts is dearly missed.

Ava Burzycki, my sweet senior arts editor. I genuinely don’t know what I would’ve done without you these past two semesters. I’m so glad we got to lead the Books beat together this year. You’re so effortlessly cool and kind; I wish I were more like you. Your style? Impeccable. Your writing? Beautiful and profound. If only the world could see our iMessage threads … 

To all the current Books writers, it’s been a pleasure reading and editing your work and getting to know you. I’m constantly impressed by your writing and in awe of your immense talent. I know the beat is in good hands. 

I wouldn’t be on Arts if I didn’t quote an early 2000s teen drama, right? So I leave you with this: “Your art matters. It’s what got me here.”