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Position(s): Managing News Editor (2023), Managing Editor (Fall 2022), Summer Editor-in-Chief (2022), Focal Point Editor (Winter 2022), News Beat Reporter

Section(s): News, Leadership, Focal Point 

Semesters at The Daily: 7

The hardest part about goodbyes for me has always been the forgetting. As cliche as it sounds, this soon-to-be-former managing news editor really does believe in the value of documenting events. The News section documents a lot of good things, a lot of OK things and a lot of terrible things. But they all need to be covered. Because when we document life, we give people a chance to learn from it.

But, goodbyes inevitably bring forgetting. When I look back on my time at The Michigan Daily 10 years from now, I’m not going to remember what Sam Rich said that one night that made Dana Elobaid and Roni Kane laugh so hard. I won’t remember the little drawings Kate Weiland doodled on a piece of construction paper while mumbling along to some Taylor Swift song Riley Hodder put on. I won’t remember what source’s quote made Shannon Stocking, Dominic Coletti and Kristina Zheng giggle two years ago. I won’t remember a lot of things. And that’s just a part of saying goodbye.

But there is, as unlikely as it sometimes seems, good news. Because, while things and moments slip away, we will always remember how people and places made us feel. 

So, I am happy to say that when I do think of the newsroom years from now, I will remember how it felt to work with people who supported me through my triumphs as well as my learning moments. I will remember how it felt to work in a place where, even when an article or an election felt like the end of the world, I could choose to speak to others with kindness and empathy. That’s how we get things done.

I will remember how Dominic, Kristina and Paige Hodder made me feel capable and how the 2022 and 2023 managing editors made me feel heard. I will remember how Roni and the 2023 SNEds made me feel supported, how Shannon and Kate made me feel seen, and, most of all, how the people sitting at the News desk and in the newsroom filled me with warmth that is unrivaled by any classroom, workplace or organization I’ve been in before. 

2023 SNEds: Whether it be sitting down with reporters on dayside to talk through your edits or supporting reporters in covering a challenging event, you are truly the backbone of the News section. I want to thank you for making nights at the News desk so enjoyable. I don’t know what I would have done without Carlin’s favorite capybara live stream, Irena’s huge Mitski playlist, Sam’s little treat runs, Sejal’s favorite “Tiny Horse” SNL sketch, Riley’s quadball stories, Rachel’s chocolate chip cookies or Joey’s green flag behavior. I can’t wait to continue being your friend.

Sam, Riley and Rachel: You have proven time and time again that you will be a co-EiC and MNEs who lead with the kind, firm hand needed to ensure our News coverage is objective and equitable. Rachel, I am so inspired by your care for the editing process and for ensuring your reporters feel supported and comfortable. Riley, I have come to rely on you for your strong mind in moments of conflict, and I admire your grit. Sam, you and Dana are overqualified for the co-editor in chief position. I love you all so much, and I can’t wait to see what you do.

Roni: Thank you for being my rock and my number one confidante. Thank you for taking me to coffee at Vertex last year and asking me to run for MNE with you. Thank you for being in my corner, and for catching me when I fall. Though your editing skills are truly unmatched, I will always most admire your ability to inspire others to be the best they can be. I love you so much. Let’s watch “Newsies” sometime soon.

Abbie and Dana: Thank you for bearing with News through the long nights and for answering my silly little Copy questions. I will miss nights full of Dana’s laughter, Abbie’s cute cat photos and, of course, Marvin. I love you both.

Zoe and Julia: Boy, would the newsroom not feel the same without you guys. You are truly the hardest working social butterflies I know. From organizing Sam’s wedding and tragic divorce to making sure the newsroom is a welcoming place to be, your impact on newsroom culture is immense.

Sophie, Abby, Kate, Anna, Angela, Shanshan, Eric, Myles, Hannah, Christian and Martina: What is a News article without the amazing work Design, Photo, Web, Video and Audience Engagement do? I can’t thank you enough for your consistent communication with News. You make sure important stories are seen, not just read.

Quin and Julian: Though News and Opinion shall never cross paths, thank you for your support over the past few years. I wish you lots of rest and (non-Daily) opinionated debates this coming semester. 

Connor and Paul: Oh Caul. Ponner. Thank you for livening up the newsroom — I could always count on you two to make me laugh. I will look back fondly on the nights when News and Sports were the last sections left and we each played a different Taylor Swift song from our computers. Why we never just picked one computer to play really loudly, I’ll never know.

2020-2023 managing editors: Your immense care for your sections was evident in every article, photo, design, project, website page, podcast, video and initiative your sections produced. I am so grateful to have had the privilege of knowing you.

Dominic, Kristina and Paige: I don’t know if words can express how thankful I am to have experienced your mentorship. Dominic, you taught me that there is no such thing as a little article. You were an editor that understood the immense impact The Daily can have. Kristina, you taught me to never sacrifice kindness in the name of productivity. Your friendship got me through those long nights I spent at the News desk last year. Paige, you taught me to hold strong and fast in what I believe in. I could never thank you guys enough for what you have done for me. I will treasure our friendship for the rest of my life.

Shannon and Kate: Whenever I think about the two of you, I get an immense feeling of pride. From freshman year to now, I’ve watched you two grow into the compassionate leaders you are today. You encourage people to see the best in themselves and recognize their worth. And while I appreciate everything you’ve done for The Daily, I am even more thankful that I had the privilege of becoming your friend. I love you.

News and The Daily: If you’re a News staffer, you know how much I love a good musical theatre reference. So, to wrap up my feelings about you and The Daily, I’m going to let my favorite song from “Wicked” speak for me: “And now whatever way our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend.” 

Knowing you all has changed me for good.