Kate Hua/Daily. Buy this photo.

Position(s): 2023 Senior Sports Editor, 2022-23 & 2023-24 Men’s Basketball Beat Writer

Section(s): Sports

Semesters at The Daily: 4

Almost exactly a year ago I sat in the newsroom on the eve of the last night of production, overwhelmed with emotions.

It could’ve been because Nick had just finished editing my story — the final story he would ever edit, which made us both cry. Or maybe it was because senior goodbyes made me realize how little time I had left with some of my closest friends. But neither one was really why my emotions got the best of me. 

It was because as I read through each goodbye, I got to hear everyone’s “why.” So I sat reading through the heartfelt stories, quietly sobbing.

Because it made me reflect on my own “why.” 

I never thought I’d write for The Daily — in fact, I never thought I’d do anything related to journalism at all. I didn’t have any interest or experience in it, but I loved sports. So on a whim, I sent an email to Jared, one of the managing editors at the time, about wanting to join. I got the classic response:

“Come to a meeting. Sunday at 4.”

So when Sunday rolled around, I made my way to 420 Maynard. I had no idea it would become my most frequented place. 

I can remember every detail from my first meeting. I remember the icebreaker. I remember the gamer workshop that stressed me out because I didn’t have a clue what a lede or a nut graf was. I remembered surveying the room and only seeing two other women. 

I remember thinking this wasn’t the place for me. 

When the meeting ended, I heard the typical line: “If you’re new, stay after; if you have a mock, stay after.” For whatever reason, I stayed. And one of the two girls I had noticed earlier sat next to me — I guess it was her first meeting too. 

The process was explained to us: picking up a mock story and shadowing a writer. I remember the girl agreeing to shadow wrestling and, although I knew absolutely nothing about wrestling, I said I’d do it too. She told me she didn’t know the first thing about wrestling, which made me feel more comforted than she could ever know. 

The two of us left the newsroom together, chatting on our way home. She told me about her love of sports and why she was interested in The Daily. Her “why” helped me see how it could be a fit for me — and my intuition was right. Fast forward two years: I’m covering men’s basketball for The Daily and that same girl, Lys, is one of my good friends.

Two years later, I still come to a meeting each Sunday at 420 Maynard. I still answer a silly icebreaker. I still listen to the week’s story list. But unlike my first trip to the newsroom, I do so in a room packed with women, all passionate about sports. Nobody will have the experience I did — and I’m so thankful for that.

My “why” was definitely unique. I’ve never told her this before, but it was mostly because of Lys, the stranger who brought me comfort after the first meeting. So thank you.


To Remi, Liza and Noah, you guys were my first friends on the section and have become some of my best friends. I love you and am so grateful to have you guys (even with Gaslight Lindsay).

To Jared and Nick, you two set the tone for the Sports section, and I couldn’t have asked for better managing editors to welcome me. You both made me a better writer, editor, person and friend, and I’m so happy to have you guys in my life. 

To Connor and Paul, seeing your leadership grow has been such a pleasure. Connor, summer MSE was electric. Paul, I’m so glad I got to be on a beat with you; you’re the MVSE (most valuable slow editor) to my MVTO (most valuable transportation organizer).

To Rekha and Noah, you guys are already killing it. Noah, I’ve seen you work toward this goal for two years and am so happy to see you achieve it. Rekha, I’m so proud of you for stepping up (and representing grass talk).

To Paul, Abbie and Glanville, thank you for welcoming me into moops and giving me an incredible beat experience. Thinking back on my favorite memories, none of them have to do with writing. I think of the Nets practice court, the smoker hotel in Illinois and “Don’t Tell Em’ ” (clean version, of course). I couldn’t have asked for better beatmates.

To Liza, Noah and Jon, doing moops for a second year has been amazing, and the fact that it’s with some of my closest friends has been unreal. I won’t get too sappy because we have an entire semester left of reviving the GroupMe, TMD in the car and osmium.

To Josh, Spencer, Lily, Conlin and all the others who came before me, thank you for welcoming me to the section and being amazing leaders and friends. You guys are missed in the newsroom. Josh, I didn’t think I’d have a connection through my grandparents when I joined The Daily, but here we are. There’s no one I’d rather watch Philly sports with.

To Rekha and Jon, I’m so happy we had grass talk, and even happier that it turned into such amazing friendships. I can’t imagine not sitting at the Union for hours with you guys next year.

To the other seniors, shoutout the COVID-19 year kids. How do we only have one semester left? Don’t worry, I’ll start getting the senior bar crawl shirts ready.

To the underclassmen, I know this is cheesy, but take a moment and appreciate this place. This newsroom, this community. Sometimes we take it for granted. Enjoy every moment you have here.

To Grace, Tess, Anna, Kate and Lila, so much love for my photo ladies. 

To the women of the Sports section, thank you for filling the conference room every Sunday so no one has the experience I had.

To Lys, thank you for coming to that meeting January 2022 and for being my “why”.

Because if I hadn’t come back, I would have missed out on the most special place and the most special people.