When I first heard that Grizzly Bear, St. Vincent and Bon Iver would be featured on the “Twilight: New Moon” soundtrack, I didn’t exactly jump up and down with joy. Quite the opposite, in fact. My first instinct was to call up every plaid-clad hipster I knew and bitch about the fact that prepubescent girls across America would now be able to count Thom Yorke among their favorite artists.

I know, I know — I’m a snob, right? But the idea of “Twilight” fans sporting “I Heart Edward Cullen” T-shirts while grooving along to Editors did unsettling things to my stomach.

It’s fair to say that good movies should have good soundtracks. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that has worked to enhance many films (“The Graduate,” “Manhattan” and “The Virgin Suicides,” to name a few). But does “Twilight,” which could shape up to be one of the worst movie franchises of the past decade, deserve to be plugged by such an amazing list of artists?

I cringe when I imagine Beach House’s Victoria Legrand’s unearthly voice providing a backdrop to Bella Swan swooning in Edward Cullen’s arms, offering atmosphere for a film that doesn’t deserve it. It seems outrageous — criminal, even. The relationship between the franchise and its new soundtrack seems parasitic. It’s like Edward Cullen is literally leeching off Thom Yorke’s lifeblood while I watch on in a helpless fury.

Then I realized something very important: I am being overdramatic.

As much as I love to hate on the “Twilight” franchise and all it represents — cultish adoration of vapid young Hollywood celebrities, middle-aged women living vicariously through trashy fiction and impressionable young girls obsessed with imaginary characters — it occurred to me that the conglomeration of all my favorite indie artists under such a recognized brand could only be advantageous.

For one, most of the artists I listen to don’t make a lot of money. Consequently, a lot of my favorite bands have long since faded into obscurity. Granted, Thom Yorke isn’t exactly in dire financial straits, but with “Twilight” having the ability to broaden the audience base of anything remotely involved with the franchise, it’s pretty much assured that I’ll be able to listen to Sea Wolf for at least a few more years to come. The massive number of “Twilight” fans in existence practically guarantees this — thanks, Stephenie Meyer!

Without the “Twilight” franchise, a lot of great new songs might not have come into existence. Some truly remarkable songs, recorded specifically for the film, have come out of the “Twilight” partnership. “Slow Life” by Grizzly Bear, featuring Victoria Legrand, is one of the best songs I’ve heard in a long, long time. Legrand and Edward Droste’s voices meld together to create a harmony that is both haunting and heartbreaking (which I guess makes sense for “Twilight,” with all its emphasis on brooding teen angst and exaggerated, heightened passion).

The soundtrack even features a song by The Killers that I actually enjoy. While I typically can’t stand Brandon Flowers’s empty grandeur and pomposity, “A White Demon Love Song” highlights his signature drawl while remaining wonderfully understated (in spite of its colorful title).

But most importantly, the soundtrack gives a lot of people the opportunity to listen to bands they would probably never listen to otherwise. I’m also pretty excited, because I feel like this will allow a lot of people to escape from the ghastly world of Evanescence and Fall Out Boy. While I might sound like an asshole, I truly believe these people will be helped. By dishing up some of indie rock’s best in one convenient serving, the “New Moon” soundtrack ensures that there will be a cloaked herd of appreciative new listeners. And widespread appreciation of good music is never a bad thing.

A final confession: I actually like “Twilight.” Up until now, I’ve enjoyed watching it in a relatively comfortable secrecy, the way someone trying to quit smoking might indulge in a cigarette. I’d always considered it a secret source of shame. While I don’t own any “Twilight” merchandise (yet) and haven’t committed myself to turning up at the midnight showing of “New Moon” (so far, anyway), as it turns out, “Twilight” is a habit I just can’t quit. And now that one of my favorite guilty pleasures is linked to some very credible artists, I can breathe easy with the knowledge that there are probably people out there listening to the “New Moon” soundtrack through their headphones.

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