Peter Bjorn and John, or PB&J as they have been colloquially referred to, have evolved. Gone are the days of cutesy drum beats, European indie cred and being nicknamed after what comes in a fourth grader’s sack lunch. With their upcoming album Gimme Some, the trio of Swedes is making a statement: The foreigners aren’t so much approaching music as they are tackling it headlong. And if the album title isn’t obvious enough to this effect, then the single “Second Chance” should seal the deal.

Peter Bjorn and John

“Second Chance”
Startime International

The track begins with a brazen riff and resounding cymbals, and from the start never looks back. Peter Morén’s opening verse only builds excitement as the song restrains itself to wait for the perfect moment to let loose. Then, in a flurry of cowbell and tambourine, it does — and the result is nothing short of rocking. As Morén belts out the titular lyrics “You count, count, count on the second chance / The second chance will never be found,” there exists an urgency unknown in PB&J single. The Stockholm natives have taken a new road than that of “Young Folks” and “Nothing to Worry About,” and that road seems to be leading to all the right places.

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