The U.S. government awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to those who have strenuously worked to positively influence the world. Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson and Muhammad Yunus, three “agents of change,” were among those to be presented with these medals on August 12. But these global leaders have something else in common: they are ardent supporters of the creation of a Global Fund for Education.

In the poorest communities of the world, families of 75 million children are unable to spend 50 U.S. dollars to send their children to school. More than 50 percent of them are girls and many are living among civil unrest. The Global Fund for Education is essential to producing healthier children, creating stronger communities, and building an improved world economy. Education is also strongly associated with the prevention of HIV/AIDS in these impoverished countries.

Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson, and Muhammad Yunus urged world leaders, including President Barack Obama and the G-8 leaders, to support a Global Fund for Education. Thankfully, leaders of the G-8 confirmed their commitment to the fund and agreed to raise over $1 billion to support basic education in the developing world. But their financial commitment is by no means close to the $16 billion necessary to achieve universal education this year alone.

Even after 10 years of commitment to a Global Fund for Education, progress is often stagnant. President Obama has promised $2 billion for the global education fund and support for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Education for All Act. Obama’s action will be integral to creating international attention for a Global Fund for Education. Write or call your local members of Congress to urge President Obama to fulfill his commitment to Education for All. If we do not act, 75 million children will never even have the opportunity for education.

Josh Lee
Business junior

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